Welcome To Chiropractic Health & Wellness

Dr. Manuel Mateus is a chiropractor serving Durham and the surrounding communities. Our chiropractor and the rest of the friendly team at Chiropractic Health & Wellness are dedicated to chiropractic solutions to target your unique needs, whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, headaches, or even just plain old muscular tightness and tension.

You may need pain relief after suffering an accident, experiencing an injury, or if you have a specific condition such as chronic back pain or a spinal condition; even if you just want to improve your overall health, our chiropractor can help you achieve your wellness goals! Please visit the testimonials page to see what our patients are saying about our Durham chiropractor and getting regular chiropractic treatments.

Spinal Health is Total Health!
Subluxations, or spinal mis-alignments, occur along your spine as a result of physical, emotional and environmental stress. Your nerves, which exit the spine, carry vital information to your cells and organs.

Spinal mis-alignments can cause your spinal nerves to become irritated, inflamed, and stretched, and cause subtle changes that you won’t feel early on.

If not treated, subluxations can cause injury to your soft tissue (such as muscles, ligaments and joints) and can develop into more serious problems later on.

It is important that you keep up regular chiropractic care so that your soft tissues can re-learn the proper way to function. As your spine and musculoskeletal tissues adapt to their correct position, you may find that you feel better than ever before!

Call our office today. Get back on the road to total health!

Salud de su Columna es Salud Total!
Subluxaciones, o malos alinamientos a lo largo de la columna vertebral alineaciones se producen como resultado de la tensión física, emocional y ambiental. Los nervios, que salen de la columna, llevan información vital para sus células y órganos.

Desalinamiento espinal pueden causar que los nervios raquídeos se irriten, se inflamen y se estiren, y causar cambios sutiles que no se sienten desde el principio.

Si no son tratadas, estas subluxationes pueden causar daños a los tejidos blandos (como los músculos, ligamentos y articulaciones) y pueden convertirse en problemas más serios en el futuro.

Es importante que usted mantenga un cuidado quiropráctico regular de modo que los tejidos blandos puede volver a aprender la forma correcta de funcionar. A medida que su columna vertebral y los tejidos músculo-esqueléticos se adapten a su posición correcta, es posible que usted se siente mejor que nunca!

Llame a nuestra oficina hoy. Vuelva al camino de salud total!

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